2022: I Found My Voice

And I have never felt more alive

Lin Zhang
4 min readJan 1, 2023

12 months ago, I signed up for a free medium account at the prompt below just to finish that one story I liked. Or I thought so.

Today, I am a proud Medium writer with 195 followers and 18 published articles that have attracted collectively thousands of reads and hundreds of comments.

I understand these numbers are probably embarrassingly low by many people’s standards, but to me they were beyond my wildest dreams when I pressed the “publish” button on Dec 16, 2021, for my very first story on Medium.

As a non-native English speaker without any formal training in creative writing, I never imagined I can be a published writer in English and earn a tiny income from it.

I had absolutely no idea what would happen, but I told myself that if any of my stories ever make a difference in just one person’s life, all my efforts would be worthwhile.

Today, I know for sure that I have crossed that bar because those stories definitely have changed one person’s life for the…



Lin Zhang

Dancing with curiosity and mindfulness, I tell stories that seek to inform or inspire.